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A:Are you sure that I won't bump into any one-way streets?
- 你(nǐ) = you;
- 确(què)定(dìng) = sure, for sure, you could also use 肯(kěn)定(dìng)
- 我(wǒ) = I;
- 不(bú)会(huì) = won't;
- 碰(pèng)到(dào) = meet, bump into;
- 单(dān) = single; 行(xíng) has the meaning for "ok, no problem". Here it means "way" .Be carefull when it stand for "a row", because the pronucation changed to 一(yī)行(háng), 道(dào) is the short form for 街(jiē)道(dào), which means street or road; 单(dān)行(háng)道(dào) = one-way streets;
- 吗(ma) is the word to make a sentence to be a question.