Copyright © Fan from )
On the Phone
-Good Morning. May I help you?
早(zǎo)上(shang)好(hǎo)。有(yǒu)什(shén)么(me)可(kě)以(yǐ)帮(bāng)忙(máng)的 (de)吗(ma)?
-Good Morning. I'd like to reserve a single room from 13th March.
早(zǎo)上(shang)好 (hǎo)。我(wǒ)想(xiǎng)订(dìng)一(yī)个(gè)单(dān)人(rén)间(jiān),从(cóng)3月(yuè)13 号(hào)开(kāi)始(shǐ)。
-May I know your name, please?
请(qǐng)问(wèn)您(nín)贵(guì)姓(xìng)?可(kě)以(yǐ)告(gào)诉(sù)我(wǒ)你(nǐ)的 (de)名(míng)字(zì)吗(ma)?
-Cheng. How much is it for one night?
-120 RMB.How long will you stay?
-Two nights. By the way, is the breakfast including in the price?
两(liǎng)(个(gè))晚(wǎn)上(shang)。顺(shùn)便(biàn)问(wèn)一(yí)下(xià),这 (zhè)个(ge)价(jià)格(gé)包(bāo)括(kuò)早(zǎo)餐(cān)吗(ma)?
-OK. Everything is clear. Thanks! See you on 13th March.
-See you.
(Copyright © Fan from )
1. May I help you?
有(yǒu)什(shén)么(me)可(kě)以(yǐ) 帮(bāng)忙(máng)的(de)吗(ma)?
(有 (yǒu) = have; 什(shén)么(me) = what; 可(kě)以(yǐ) = can or may; 帮(bāng)忙(máng) = help)
- When you are in a shop or in a hotel, people there will say 有(yǒu)什(shén)么(me)可(kě)以(yǐ)帮(bāng)忙(máng)的(de)吗(ma)? Obviously, it is not the directly translation here. You need to pay attention that in some cases, “我(wǒ)(I)” is not appeared in the sentence (the same thing happened also in the following sentence “May I know your name, please?”). here 帮(bāng)忙(máng)的(de) is the short form for 帮(bāng)忙(máng)的(de)事(shì)情(qíng)(事(shì)情(qíng)= thing).
- Another way to say this sentence could be 我(wǒ)可(kě)以(yǐ)帮(bāng)你(nǐ)吗(ma)?This sentence is more close to the directly translation, if the previous one is too complicated to you, this one could also be one a option.
the basic translation for this phrase is “顺(shùn)便(biàn)”, but in different environment, it will change a little:
- When you are asking a question: you say
顺(shùn)便(biàn)问(wèn)一(yī)问(wèn) .
(问(wèn) = ask; 一(yí)下 (xià) has no actual meaning here, just one small word to make the verb more interesting. 问(wèn)一(yī)问(wèn) also means ask, it is one of the special way to say a verb, we will talk about it for details in the grammar).
- when you just want to add some more word, then you will say:
(句(jù) means a sentence)
(Copyright © Fan from )